Suor Virginia (Rosa) Saracco, donna forte, laboriosa e di fede
26 Marzo 2021
Il Signore è Risorto ed è qui! Alleluja
4 Aprile 2021Our community is located at Embulbul village, under the Catholic Diocese of Ngong, along the Great Rift Valley within Kajiado County in Kenya. It consists of nine flexible and original members who are faithful to the charism of our Institute, which consists in the ministry of loving God and doing good exercised through corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Our dedication to Jesus our spouse prompts our love of prayer in all aspects of our life. We begin each day by praying the Liturgy of the hours. This is followed by daily Mass. The fruit of our prayer life is what we carry out into our ministries.
Our apostolate
Embulbul Catholic Dispensary (ECD) is a faith based health facility under the Catholic Diocese of Ngong. It is situated in Bulbul sub-location, Oloolua location, Ngong division, Kajiado North Constituency in Kajiado County, approximately 32 km south of Nairobi city.
Our aim is to improve the quality of health services, to re-assure, provide comfort to the patient, attach significance to their sufferings and show solidarity through meeting their medical, spiritual and psychological needs.
These services are aimed at providing health care at an affordable cost to the local people and mainly the poor. It is a physical and emotional service to the poor, the suffering and those infected and affected by varied ailments, among them, HIV/AIDS.
Our hope is that the Dispensary continues giving services to God’s people regardless of their social status, race or religious affiliation.
“Come to me all you who labour and are heavily laden, and I shall give you rest. (Mt 11, 28) ”
Our services are: out Patient Department, dental services, integrated management of child hood illness (IMCI), antenatal services(ANC) and postnatal, pharmacy services, laboratory services, voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) and comprehensive care clinic (CCC).
This is a group of lay men and women that live as committed Christians who follow in the footsteps of Mother Francesca Rubatto. From the very beginning of the Institute, Mother Francesca aroused within the laity the wish to share with them her charism, even though would remain in their lay state within the Church, thus the group was formed on the 9th of August 2009. They share in our charism which is adoring God in the Eucharist and serving the needy in fulfilling God’s will.
Our project
When COVID 19 pandemic came dumping the hopes of many into barren wasteland, we embarked on a new apostolate of making masks and donating them to the needy. Since we could not continue with some of our businesses as usual due to the virus, we directed our efforts towards our beadwork and soap making project.
The youths are the church of today and tomorrow. Working with them we cultivate in Christian values that help them to be better Christians. We share the gospel with them and encourage them to have a lasting encounter with Jesus Christ.