136° anniversario di Fondazione (ita)
23 Gennaio 2021
Jubileu de Ouro
23 Gennaio 2021“I hope that Jesus will make you all holy and that you may always be the decorum and the good smell of the sisters” (MFR Lett. 174)
Dear sisters, our life as women consecrated to the Love of God purifies us, saves us and leads us to holiness. While with filial affection, we want to thank Mother Francesca for the strength of “her” charismatic gift, we must feel more and more united to give glory to the Good God while awaiting her canonization.
We are daughters of a great Mother and we all know that, despite the fact that time passes quickly and fatigue makes itself felt, God always makes us new, with his Grace through fraternal communion and the Church. The reflection of His great Love that we all carry in our hearts gives us the strength and courage to empty ourselves to make room for his divine goodness and mercy. It is He who sustains us and gives joy to our life by means of a “youth” that has not limits: the strength and beauty of His love. Yes, sisters, because we can all keep ourselves “young” only in the strength of the love that we are capable of donate and in living the relationship and fraternal affection that we sometimes forget. “…from my heart I greet you and bless you and thank you so much for your satisfaction for having been reconfirmed in my assignment, I will always continue to have for my dear Daughters great affection”. (MFR Lett. 372)
Mother Francesca gave birth us to the World and to the Church for donate the presence of Jesus with our lives, so that his face, his words, his gestures continue to travel many roads. For this reason today, as always, the prophecy of us Capuchin Sisters is fraternal life. A style of life possibly serene and fraternal, to live “holily united in holy harmony and mutual charity, keeping us all in the sweet heart of Jesus”. (Const.44). We thank the Lord for being able to continue in the prophecy of communion and living together, helping and supporting us both in times of joy and suffering; especially in this year of COVID-19, which has indelibly marked the world.
Sisters, this is why we are called to ask ourselves wisely if the meaning of our daily life makes the form and strength of Jesus’ life shine through in us in chastity, poverty and obedience. We cannot, dear sisters, exempt ourselves from this question: what gift of Grace are we called to bring in this time of crisis, which simply wants to “relegate” our choices and wants to close ourselves to a future of grace, blessing and hope?
United in one heart and one soul, let us pray to the Holy Spirit to help us, despite the various difficulties, to open ourselves to a future full of hope and blessing. Let us entrust ourselves to the Holy Spirit to support us and call us to overcome difficulties in order to live a common belonging to Christ. In Him and for Him, although distant, let us feel ever more united, all daughters and sisters of a Holy Mother.
Let us pray that despite the fatigue of our living because of the differences in fraternity, we are called every day to be living members of the same Body. The Lord has called us to be his, to live together a very specific task: to carry out his work of immense love and mercy in the world, as daughters of our “Holy” Mother. “…if you are holily united, you will enjoy the peace of heart, your soul will rise more markedly towards the highest Good and you will fulfil your duties with love and concern. (MFR Lett.213)
Sisters, in the certainty that Mother Francesca accompanies us every day with her gaze of affection, we want to accept her invitation to always love us with mutual help, charity and mutual prayer.
Good feast!
Suor Carmen Cimarolli
Madre generale